Vanetia loves teaching young children. Her specialties are Early Music Awareness (EMA) and beginning piano.

For as long as she can remember, Vanetia has loved children and music, and when she and had a child of their own, she looked for a place where he could be exposed to music in a fun way.  Her son Juan Angel began in small parent-participation Family Classes at The Music Place when he was two years old, and he graduated with honors from San Jose State University and is attending Manhattan School of Music for his graduate studies in opera.  (In fact, he was also on The Music Place faculty!)

Vanetia's own background of piano and violin helped draw her into music, but it was her experience at The Music Place that drew her into teaching.  Since 2002, she has been part of the Music Place family-- first as a parent, then as coordinator of recital reception hosts and most recently both as a receptionist and an Early Music awareness and beginning piano teacher.  In addition, Vanetia has also taught the pre-school age Sunday school students at her church for many years, and especially loves the younger ages-- so Early Music Awareness and working with kids who have special needs was a perfect fit for her. With a degree in Social Science, she began work in the social sciences department at San Jose State University and has been there since 1988. She loves leaving her day job to come to The Music Place and spends more than her share of time at the various Music Place locations, just because she loves the environment.  Of course the students love her too!

Teaching Style

Vanetia is thorough, friendly and committed to helping her students enjoy music and learn the material--even if it means she occasionally offers extra classes at no charge --just to make sure they are secure in their lessons.

Early Music Awareness Group Classes


  • Main Office
  • Baywood
  • Koch Lane


  • Early Music Awarenes
  • Beginning piano
Vanetia is a "Tier 2" teacher.
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